We all have favourite music albums and lyrics.
These are my July's :)


Here is my 3x3 favourite of July


And here's my 9 favourite lyrics for this month:

"And every time I play and ace, my partner always trump..."
"You can't fire me because I quit!"
"Love you so much it makes me sick..."
"The future's uncertain the end is always near."
"Death to everyone is gonna come/ And it makes hosing much more fun...”
"We ain't got no friends/ Our troubles never end,"
"Who by his lady's command, who by his own hand,"
"We would be so happy you and me/ No one there to tell us what to do."
"I've seen the things you put me through and I/ I wish I could die!"

I like Berlin.

I like mellow complaining stupid sarcastic rock songs.

I like to feel free, from within.

In Berlin I know what it is to be alive.

I like Berlin.

I like the city.

I like Berlin in May.

But I will not stay here in Berlin forever.


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I moved in to Berlin on the 13th of January this year.

Berlin is the fourth city in which I have lived in for more than 6 months. I have lived in Jakarta, Sydney and Kuala Lumpur. Of all these place, I love Sydney the most. But I have to admit it, Indonesia and Malaysia have more unique culinary and cultural identity and offers better travel opportunity for a person like me (kinda poor twenty-something).

I feel like I have a new family, have made so many new friends and met a guy name Román.
I am so far away from my family, but this is the place where I feel pretty, appreciated and feel good about myself. Oh, I can be myself again like I used to in Sydney.
A place where I can sit on the green grass, under the blue (lol, kidding, yeah, its grey) sky and reflect about myself while the wind blow my now-long hair.
Usually I smile, gulping down my beer and think, "Hey, finally, life isn't that bad."

The food are OK. There are Asian food... and kebab. I like donner box (is that with one 'n' or double? Arrrhh). There are bubble tea too (the root of all fat evil).

The language is hard.
The wind is kalt.
The tomato ketchup explode,
and fucked my keyboard up...

But I've never fell in love this deep with life.

Like how I feel in Berlin.
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